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  Choose a category according to the contents of your Blog
  What do you call your blog? Not the URL, that will come later, just a title
T�tulo del blog
  Here below you enter the URL of your RSS. This is the most important, if you know very well what you explain how to give her
RSS If you do not leave it empty, you can add more later
  Enter down here the URL of your blog
URL del blog
  Description. You have to be clear and concise, this is what users will read. NOT be accepted those who are described as the best web...
  Enter down here the URL of your Twitter
Twitter If you do not leave it empty, you can add more later
E-mail (necesario para confirmar el alta. Adem�s servir� de login)
Password (Recuerda que tu login sera el email y tu clave esta)
  Tu login y password te servir�n para modificar y añadir informaci�n nueva
  Inserta el c�digo de seguridad para saber que no eres un robot :) autom�tico
Teclea abajo las 2 palabras de la imagen dejando el espacio entre cada una

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